Telemetry as Code


Service monitoring that caters to the DevOps workflow.

Manage your service checks by pushing your YAML configuration to Git, not by pushing buttons on a website.

Metered billing means you only pay for what you use.

Code-oriented interface

Define your checks in YAML and publish them via Git.
We designed our system from the start to be easily managed by the typical DevOps toolchain.

Non-stop telemetry

Measure your service's response times, status codes, SSL validity, and more.
Telemetry data can be automatically streamed to other service providers for deeper analysis and correlation.

Multi-vendor cloud

By utilizing multiple cloud vendors across diverse geographical regions, we ensure that your services are constantly monitored and your telemetry data accurate.

Metered billing

No More Tiers

We don't believe cloud services should be priced like cable television.

You shouldn't need to pay for 250 checks when you only need 100, and this is why we believe metered is the only billing model that's fair to the customer.

In addition, everyone gets the same features regardless of whether they are monitoring one service or one hundred. You won't be missing out on features just because you didn't pay a premium to reach the "enterprise" tier.

No more fears

Unlike many metered services, you can easily calculate in advance what your monthly costs will be, based on the number of HTTP requests your checks are expected to make. The usage rate of checks is constant, so there's no fear of an unexpected increase in costs.

Don't like doing math? Our tools will keep you informed of any potential changes to your bill whenever you push a code change.

Let's make this easy

Take a moment to compare our pricing model to that of our competitor's in the graph below. Not only do we cost up to 68% less, but you get all of our Ops-friendly goodness as a bonus.

Metered vs Tiered Pricing

Comparative data normalized to one HTTP request per check at one minute intervals

Sign up

You won't be charged for anything until you've executed 250,000 HTTP checks, and even that will only cost you $5.

Download the SDK

Don't worry, there's no fancy API's or libraries, just one tool and some examples to help get you started.

Write your first check

Have your first check up-and-running in only a few dozen lines of YAML.

Push to Git

Use Github or a private repository. Just fill in the details on your account page and we'll take it from there.


Frequently-Asked Questions

How is this better?

When you are managing services and infrastructure at scale, you want every part of your deployment process to be as automated as possible. Manually adding monitoring for every service is error-prone. API's require writing code that consumes valuable DevOps time and can introduce additional points of failure into your deployment process.

By utilizing YAML (or JSON) and Git, we've made it easy to ensure that every service is monitored the moment it's deployed, using the tools you already know and love.

Further, because Git is the storage for your checks, you can easily roll back to a previous revision or see what changes have been made to the configuration for easy auditing. Your monitoring can be managed using the same software pipeline you use for the rest of your infrastructure.

The best ideas always seem obvious in hindsight.

Our platform generates a public key for you to encrypt your secrets with, and then you store them in Git as part of the check definition. While this method is quite secure, we still recommend using an unprivileged account for performing checks and rotating the credentials on a regular basis.

Further, your check definitions may contain sensitive information about your infrastructure. As such we recommend utilizing a private Git repository and providing us with read-only access.

Please see the documentation for further information.

Yes. In fact, all checks are transactional in our system. Not only can you check multiple endpoints within a single session, you can use JSONPath, JMESPath, CSS selectors, or even regular expressions to capture data from a page and then utilize that data in subsequent requests by passing it as GET parameters, POST data, or HTTP headers.

Do be aware that we bill per HTTP request, not transaction, so a multi-request transaction will be billed for each request within that transaction.

We publish a JSON schema of our configuration. There are myriad tools to validate your configuration against this schema, but we've provided one for you anyway.

Download our SDK to get started.

First, because it's simply so cheap to test the service at the levels typically offered with a free account. For example, a check with one HTTP request that runs every minute will cost you around $0.80 per month. Because we don't bill accounts until they accrue at least $5, you could potentially use the service for several months without being charged.

To put things in perspective, we charge $0.00002 per check. That means $5 will net you 250,000 HTTP requests, and you won't be billed until then.

Second, by requiring a payment method, we filter out a lot of people (and bots) who may wish to abuse the system (or use it to abuse others).